Wellness Wednesday

Welcome to Wellness Wednesday! This is the start of something completely new and meant to help you (and me) become more in tune with our bodies and mind. The whole purpose of this monthly blog segment is to create awareness of how what we do, say and eat have an immense impact on our lives. This is the time we’ll take to refocus and make sure that the path we’re on is the correct one. Now when we say “correct path” it doesn’t mean there is only one. What it means is that everyone has their path that is right one for them. How do we know it’s the correct path? That’s fairly simple to answer.

Ask yourself these three questions:
Are you happy?
Are you feeling healthy?
Are you surrounding yourself with people who help you grow?

If the answer is yes to all then continue what you’re doing because it’s working! It doesn’t mean that there is nothing that can be improved but for the most part, you’ve got the right idea. If you answered no to any of them then take our tips into consideration and maybe give them a try. If it’s not for you, that’s perfectly alright. Everyone is different and that’s the best fact because there is no one out there exactly like you.

I’ve decided to start the year by doing something I’ve never done before, yoga. I’ve received amazing testimonials on the physical and mental benefits of yoga and they have completely resonated with me. The idea behind the practice of yoga is “to encourage a deeper mind-body awareness”, so with that statement in mind, it is the appropriate way to become more in tune with our bodies. Now finding the appropriate yoga for you can be an uphill quest. There are multiple types and styles of yoga so be open to trying out different classes in the course of 1 or 2 weeks. Once you’ve given them a go, you’ll slowly but surely realize what type of yoga fits your needs. Whether you want to become lean and flexible, practice on your breathing technique and meditation, or both. In this instance, the Yoga Journal will be your best friend! They have an entire section on Yoga 101 which I will be touching base with over the next couple of months. Within this section, I found an extensive article on the 21 different types of yoga. Trying 21 different styles of yoga sounds exhausting, so here are some things you can think about when reading the article. Each one is divided by 4 sections: Vigorous Vinyasas, Attention to Detail, Healing, and Ease to Enlightenment. Sit down and think about what these sections of yoga styles mean to you and how can each one affect your being. I’ve chosen healing and have read through the 5 different styles. I have chosen to try viniyoga where I will be able to meet my needs as my body and mind continue to gradually change over the years.

Helpful tips I received before starting any yoga class is to give your body the proper nutrients for the exercise you are going to do. The best recommendations are apples, bananas, fruit smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, and almonds.

Overnight oats have become a huge trend and great for on the go. I’ve looked a couple different recipes and shared below my favorite with an added twist of Kelapo Coconut Oil. Feel free to look through this article and find the best oats for you.


Chunky Monkey Overnight Oats

Ingredients Needed:

¾ cup of almond milk

⅓ – ½ cup of uncooked oatmeal

½ banana

1 tablespoon of coconut shreds

1 teaspoon of coconut oil

1 tablespoon of peanut butter

1 teaspoon of honey

Chocolate chips

Combine all the ingredients into a mason jar and refrigerate for at least two hours or overnight. You can add additional almond milk if needed when you’re ready to serve. Then if you’d like, top with some chocolate chips!

Peace, love and Kelapo ♥


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