health article

Kelapo`s New Mom & Baby Tips and Tricks for using Coconut Oil – Episode Three

Lani provides new ways that her and her son are using unrefined, cold pressed coconut oil in their daily routine!  

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DIY Coconut Oil Deodorant Stick That Won’t Melt

I have been trying to stay away from deodorants that contain aluminum for a while now, especially since it is been linked to both breast cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. So I have been testing out different brands of aluminum-free deodorants and I have had problems with almost every one of them. A couple had me constantly reapplying throughout the day, which means you always have to carry the deodorant with you… huge inconvenience! A couple others actually made my armpits peel… not attractive! I googled this and found that it was actually a common problem with one brand in particular […]


3 Easy Ways to Detox Using Coconut Oil

We would like to welcome Amber Williford to the blog. She is a Holistic Health Coach and is guest blogging for us this month! She helps both women and men find their happy healthy life balance by teaching them how to eat delicious foods to nourish their bodies, manage weight by taming pesky food cravings, find a workout program that fits their goals, improve digestion, and easily deal with food allergies and sensitivities. In addition to that she also has her own blog Exsoycise, so be sure to check out her blog for more great tips!   Coconut oil is beginning to be […]