carolyn ketchum

Coconut Layer Cake

I am utterly predictable.  For someone who craves variety and doesn’t enjoy routine, I hate to admit it.  But it’s true, I am so very predictable. Like anyone with a modicum of personality, I have those funny little idiosyncrasies that are the trademarks of my nature.  At least I hope they’re funny, in an amusing and endearing sense, and not annoying traits that irk my loved ones.  I am sure they are a little bit of both, depending on the circumstances.  But they are quite predictable and some you could almost set your watch by.  The trail of water glasses […]


Carolyn Ketchum’s Zucchini Parmesan Frittata

I remember a family friend once saying when I was little that as long as you had eggs in the house, you always had dinner.  Now that I have my own family, I will add to that and say you always have an easy, satisfying and inexpensive dinner that goes over well with all family members.  Whenever I am stumped for dinner, eggs are a sure bet because I know I won’t have to listen to any complaints from the kids.  And what kid doesn’t love having breakfast for dinner?  I’m a full grown adult and I still love having […]


Carolyn Ketchum’s Raspberry Coconut Scones

We would like to welcome Carolyn Ketchum to! She will be creating delicious recipes each month for all you from now until June. Carolyn is the writer and recipe developer for All Day I Dream About Food, a mostly low carb, gluten free food blog. One thing I have come to realize over the past few years is that almost any food item can be made a little healthier, as long as you are willing to make it yourself. You can start with almost any recipe, any family favorite, and pick a few of the less healthy elements to […]