Customer Feedback – Hair Care

We received some great feedback about using coconut oil on your hair!  Here is what Jessica had to say about coconut oil reviving her hair:

“My hair has been literally breaking off in clumps lately and at first I thought it was stress, but then I figured out it was because my hair was so dry (and probably a little stress mixed in). So last night I put a whole bunch of coconut oil in my hair around 8 and slept with it in last night. Of course this morning I looked like a GREASEBALL when I woke up, and quite frankly I smelled like something that could be deep fried, but I washed my hair with shampoo twice and didn’t use conditioner and holy moly my hair looks the best that it has in months and months. Even the ends which are really dry look better. I was amazed. It feels so healthy and soft. I covered my pillows in old pillow covers since I figured the oil would stain them. I was right haha. You can see where I laid my head for a majority of the night last night.

I am a true coconut oil believer these days.”

– Jessica W., FL

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