Pre & Post-Suncare with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the best for sunburns!

It’s that time of year! Time for bikinis, boats, beaches, and LOTS of sun exposure. Being a mostly Irish, fair-skinned girl, I have to be super careful about my skin.


Every time I go to a tradeshow or talk to a large group of people about Kelapo coconut oil, someone inevitably points out that coconut oil is a natural sunblock, and that people in the South Pacific have been using it that way for hundreds of years. When I was in Hawaii last year, I even spotted this on a bottle of virgin coconut oil:

“Promotes deep and dark natural tan while moisturizing and maintaining a healthy skin appearance.”

While I’m not suggesting that you toss your SPF 30 in favor of oiling up (though if you do, let me know how it went!) I can attest that coconut oil is the BEST thing for skin AFTER sun exposure. Try using it next time you come in from the pool to deeply moisturize parched skin, or to quickly heal that awful sunburn you got while golfing.

Bonus: Use coconut oil on chlorine-damaged hair, too!


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