Apples in a Bag

Apples in a Bag

I’ll admit that sometimes I start to crave a little something sweet after dinner or lunch, but I try to squander my sweet tooth to avoid eating extra, unnecessary calories.  However, lately my self-control has been lacking which sent me on the hunt for a healthier sweet to curb my cravings.  That’s when I found this great recipe and adapted it to incorporate coconut oil!

I decided almost immediately that I had to try this ingenious recipe! It has only a few ingredients and is not time consuming at all meaning I save money and time! You could even make this sweet treat at work in the microwave! Which is what I decided to do yesterday and boy, oh boy did I have everyone in the Kelapo office asking for the recipe! So here’s what you’ll need:


After mixing.

1 small apple

1 packet of sweetener, or a spoonful of sugar

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon water

1 tablespoon Kelapo Coconut Oil


1.  Slice and core the apple. Place in a freezer-quality plastic zippered bag along with the remaining ingredients. Seal bag and shake well to mix ingredients.

My new favorite snack!

2. Reopen bag, to allow it to vent. Microwave on High for 2 minutes.

3. Carefully open bag and pour onto a plate or into a bowl.

These are a great snack to eat by themselves, with cinnamon-sugar pita chips, graham crackers, oatmeal, or ice cream! However you decide to enjoy this delicious treat do so knowing that you are getting vitamin C, helping fight tooth decay (apples and coconut oil help with that!), and benefiting from the numerous other properties of coconut oil.

What’s your favorite treat that keeps your sweet tooth at bay?

– Leslee

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